These testimonials were written after a Parenting From The Heart Course or Workshop.
Audio – Graduate Hiromi Hiraoka testimonial:
“Graduates will come away with so many useful tools that will enhance your parenting and build a happy, connected family.”
Carrie Calderone
“Taking this class was a wonderful investment in my child’s future, which is in effect an investment in the future of us all.”
Ish Shabazz
Almost ten years ago I took a parenting course called Parenting From The Heart with Ty and Linda Hatfield that changed my life. We weren’t having any particular troubles as parents, but I was open to the idea that I could learn something. When I finished, I felt a weight had been lifted. Going on ten years later, I have a deeper, more trusting relationship with my teenage daughter than I would have ever thought possible. I’m a better father. I’m also a better husband and person. It was that good.
Charles Russell
“Sincere and from the heart. Like all the practical stories. Can apply parenting lessons to all my relationships.”
Ashley Dos Santos
“The more you know, the better you can see.”
Jessica Flores
“Parenting is the most important action we take in our lives, and we spend less time preparing and educating ourselves to perform it effectively than a college final exam.”
Ace Edwards
“This heart centered parenting class gave me the support and tools to be the best parent and individual I can be.”
Jen Nowack
“Researched. Easy to understand. Loving. Good models for me as a parent.”
Linh Do
“Your class was perfectly laid out, perfect timing with breaks, loved the interaction and practice, the demonstrations, quotes and examples were just so well thought out.”
Lisa Soto
“I wanted to parent my kids different from the way my parents parented me and this class taught me skills that allowed me to do that.”
Wendy Siu
“It was very informative. I learned a lot. I really enjoyed the class. It made a lot of sense.” Thank you!”
Ami Kinnel
“Parents should be required to take this course to have children. What a world we would live in if that could be the case.”
Russell Cloak
“The skills you learn from the class can really be applied to most if not all relationships in your life.”
Katie Cloak
“I am now motivated to give my son the power to make choices and decisions and create empowering solutions.”
Mom of a two year old
“Linda & Ty are authentic and humble parents who share years of real life practical experience and provide tools & practical comprehensive tips in a fun way to make parenting fun!
Kristen Spalding
“Amazing! A must not only for parents, but for anyone dealing with humans.”
Abbey Ike
“It’s life-changing and lets us see how our children in a light not influenced by our enviroment and society!”
Priya Patel
“Very informative. Felt that I can implement this to create a better relationship with my kids.”
Lenora DeMars
“Great workshop. Right to the point, and valuable.”
Manny Harail
“Excellamundo! Totally relevant for my husband, I and our 17-month-old.“
Jean Gardner
“Fabulous! Loved the role playing which was a great practical learning process.”
Myla Wilkinson
“Two power packed hours! Thank you. I learned and realized a trove of techniques, tools and strategies for parenting to raise empowered, balanced, high functioning kids and adults. I’d love to see a program with this knowledge for adults relating to adults.”
Ted Flittner
“Great workshop! These universal truths also seem to apply to relationships with adults. Thank you!” Sue Tyner
“As a parent, I found the tools to be helpful in other relationships such as how to understand and communicate with my partner better. We don’t have children yet, but the tools are still relevant. Great workshop!”
Sarah Akbar-Ali
“Always always learning & refreshing my brain with you guys.”
Salome Mashfegh-Shieh
“Loved the information, great talking points and wonderful speakers. They also provided really relatable examples.”
Claire Konishi
“Great info, thought provoking and I like being given actions and practices to put into place that can deepen my relationship with my girls.”
Holly Brazney
“We love you guys and all the information you give. Thank you so much.”
Jon Wildfong
“Great info to reflect upon and take action.”
“Excellent info from awesome people who obviously love what they do.”
Eric Stein
Ricardo Santos
“Practical advice for probable problems. A great pro-active, preventative approach to behavior problems.”
Keith Cowhey
“Fantastic. Learned great techniques how to be a better parent. Thank you.”
Jake & Erica
“Helpful and thoughtful ideas to help us as parents, help our children thrive. Thank you both so much!” Jeni Klosterman
“I enjoyed your workshop. I learned new ideas and it was very though provoking.”
Shirley Stahl
Michelle Fuente
“Good information for parents to have.”
Janis Candelaria
“Enjoyed the examples and practice. Appreciate the research.”
Heather Lambert
“It was very interesting to learn about learning to respect your child and give responsibilities.”
Isamar Valencia
“I learned a lot of new and really helpful information on how to talk to my child with respect. My husband really needs to hear this information. He is a really big command giver.”
Linda Wernecke
“Very informative”
Sarah Calzada
“Brilliant! Like a magic potion, great stuff in an hour. Bless you.”
Nermeen Michael
“If this were required learning for all parents in our society we would immediately decrease depression, anxiety, and self-harm. This is preventive medicine.”
Ashley Chisum
“Loved your warmth, that husband/wife do it together, and gave us tangible things to start doing now. Excited too!
Keri Semmelman
“Love how you got down to the important topics in one night!”
Annel Schneider
“It was therapeutic for my inter-child. Brilliantly done! Wonderful education and encouragement to communicate more consciously. It put rough parts of my childhood in better perspective validating my feelings and actions then and now. Thanks a million!”
M. Marken
“This course changed my life and my relationship with my kids and with everyone I encounter.”
Debra Iverson
“Very informative. Can’t wait to put all my effort into this and grow my family relationships. Thank you!”
Kyle Homme
“Excellent, I really should of taken this workshop a long time ago. It got me in a whole different mind frame.”
Julie Marshall
“You gave an outstanding presentation. The material and activities create a strong foundation in building relationships through authentic sharing and creating opportunities for mutual problem solving.”
Gary Godshall
“Ty and Linda have an amazing insight into relationships with children based on sound scientific research. Their work will change how you parent/teach/lead the youth in your life.”
Kim Colton
“Wish I heard about this class 10 years ago… I think my 15 year old would have turned out differently.”
Excellent – provides much better understanding of my kids & their needs.”
Meldie Moore
It was great information. Good job and thanks for taking the time to help parents. I think all schools should offer these types of workshops. They will help many families and the future for our kids.”
Oscar Salinas
“Awesome! So practical and helpful! Life altering. Very powerful! Improved my relationship with my youngest child.”
Mary Lepore
“I think I should give more responsibilities to my son, let him do stuff by himself from now on. Thank you for good information. Wonderful!!!”
Julie Hyun
“Marvelous! It is what I was looking for. It’s what I need for my sons.”
Saul Santiago
“Excellent series! Every parent will benefit! Thanks a million!”
Maria Garten
“Excellent advise on how to build a good relationship with our kids.”
Jose Aquino
“Great tools to use so I can communicate with my teens, instead of arguing.”
Patty Salinas
“It was very enlightening, and made me feel excited to to be a better parent.”
Adam Royer
“Super!” Very informative, logical and clearly laid out steps to immediately start parenting from the heart.”
Victoria Skarman
“Lots of information that I will use from now.”
Kimberlee Merrick
“It is surprising.”
Maija Simic
“Excellent presentation, useful for adults as well.”
Ozzie Holt
“Very informative and intuitive, I learned a lot.”
Jon Watki
“Linda and Ty taught the material in an organized and easy to apply way. Excited to read the book and implement.”
Eric Hostetler
“Ty and Linda are amazing teachers and presenters! They give a great deal of information and make it comprehensible and manageable. Every parent should buy their book and attend their classes.”
Geoff Pinney
“Amazing!! In a short period of time, I learned great tools and can see my areas of opportunity. Thank you!”
Ana Perez
“This was amazing and eye opening. You had quite a show stopper moment when you said basically give them negotiation skills. “No, I am not going along with you. How about this?” Loved it”
Laura Ledwith
“I found it very informative and inspiring. Was not boring and kept me engaged. Thank you!”
Cherise Miller
“Eye opening”
Tayler Stassart
“I’ve heard so many great things from friends. I’m excited to have this seminar as our parent education with preschool.”
Amy Green-Bosinoff
“Great reminder and refresher course. Reinforce the processes that I learned with my first 2. I really like how dates were emphasized.”
Gennica Santa Cruz
“Very helpful information.”
Chris Hirsch
“Helpful! I look forward to working on my presence to create a peaceful home.”
“Looking forward to using the book as a tool with parents and myself in class.”
“Awesome! Learned so much!”
“Helpful! A lot of content but concrete and usable tools. Thank you!”
Brittany Kimmel
“Loved it. Looking forward to buying the book.”
Samantha Riffenburgh
“Lots of helpful information. We can’t wait to try some of the things we learned.”
“Very informational and good start to raising kids.”
“Awesome! Learned so much.”
“Love that people have taken parenting to the next level. I wish there was some metrics on how this actually makes a difference.
“Today’s 2 ½ hour class was informative. It has compelled me to want to learn more.”
“Great information. Really made me think of my interaction with my children.”
Sarah Ferrulli
“Thought it gave some great ideas.”
Beth Bradley
As a marriage and family therapist I was incredibly impressed with the Parenting From The Heart Course. Not only did I learn valuable, heart centered parenting skills to apply to my own life, I also have a whole new skill set to add to my toolbox for working with my clients and their families. Highly recommend for anyone who wants to deepen their connection with their child, decrease conflict, and increase a sense of love within the family.
Carissa Karner, MFT
“Very, very good. I will make changes in the way I approach my teens.”
Subaya Kadiamada
“It was great! I learned a lot! I have two great kids but I can still learn so much!”
Sharon Chen
“Extremely informative.”
Russ Watson
“Great stuff, entertaining, informative & fun.”
Scott Gravois
“Learned a lot in a short amount of time.”
Keith Hyun
“So applicable, clear and well presented. Excellent essential practices for great communication and family relationships. The application / opportunities of these tools are going to be integrated in my daily goals and life, so grateful for this comprehensive heart-centric approach. All my love and gratitude. Blessings to expand this teaching.”
Melody Owens
“I extremely enjoyed the workshop, all information relayed. I found all information very helpful and look forward to joining your course in October.”
Jennifer Achrem
“Very good, muy bien.”
Maria Vazquez
“I really liked it and I learned a lot, how to talk, listen and love my child.”
Leila Hemade
Rachel Sadeghian
“It gave me a lot of great ideas to help my son develop and our relationship improve.”
Dane Sorenson
“It gave me some essential parenting tips to connect more with my children!”
Thomas Martin
“I wanted to parent my kids different from the way my parents parented me and this class taught me skills that allowed me to do that.”
“This class was a wonderful investment in my child’s future, which is in effect an investment in the future of us all.”
“This heart-centered parenting class gave me the support and tools to be the best parent and individual I can be. I loved all the comedy and had fun!”
“Thank you for the reminder to stop the madness, have fun and not sweat the small stuff. You guys are an awesome pair!”
Seng Chang
This is a must take course for any parent. This course changed my views on parenting and has helped me grow as a mom and wife.
Stacy Drenk
Nejwa Schick
I highly recommend this parenting course for any parent, grandparent, or caregiver of young kids / older kids / teens / young adults. My ex and I took this course a few months ago and really benefited from it. There was so much material so I plan to take it again in the near future. Very practical, healing, and effective. Great investment in our children & our relationship with them.
Nancy Mahem
Having taken child development courses this workshop ties in the additional work that is needed as a parent and as a teacher.”
Chrissy Sherbanee
“Love it! Very insightful. Thank you!”
Edgar Perez
“Thank you! I will keep coming back year after year!”
Tara Cannon
“Learned a lot. Taking away quite a lot with me. Thanks!”
Steven Orfali
“Great teaching. Love the knowledge. You are healers by showing the way to improvement. Namaste!” Don Fouts
“Very relevant and useful! I am so grateful for your wisdom and insights!”
Angie Keyes
“Thank you! Wonderful! Beautiful wisdom and science shared.”
Tamara Leeper
“This was a wonderful workshop.”
Pat Case
“Very informative. Got me thinking how to use these techniques with adults as well as children.”
Rev. Karla Lightner
“Valuable information/tools to live by.”
“Really great, clear informative and I’m interested to learn more.”
Melissa Goldstein
“Well organized and delivered from the heart. Thank you.”
Krystal White
“Very empowering, inspiring and uplifting! Made me feel great about the things I’m already doing and good tools to improve where I can.”
Holly Stein
“Very encouraging.”
Joe Frizzelle
“Very informative and gave a new perspective and insight into parenting.”
Dustin Miller
“Engaging, motivating, relatable.”
Brittan Cowhey
“Great information!”
John Edwards
“Really makes me want to be the best parent I can be.”
Fawn Edwards
“I feel that this is not just relevant to raising children but dealing with adults and life. Loved the class.”
Terri States
“Great, loved the interactive discussions.”
Melissa Vasquez
“Wonderful! Great practice tips.”
Rachel & Jason Wood
“Completely changes perception. It’s a total different way of thinking. New mindset.”
Paul Donahue
“Very helpful and useful information. Thorough and detailed. It pulls together many other parenting books I’ve read.”
Lily Wang
“I loved it! Made me really think and I want to be much more intentional.”
Brittany Curtis
“Very eye opening and great suggestions to raising my son better.”